Alaska Native Vietnam Land Allotment Update - P.O.W. Report

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Alaska Native Vietnam Land Allotment Update

From the CTA

According to the Bureau of Indian Affairs they will not begin the application period through their Realty Office until September 2020. In the meantime, they will be working with tribes and corporations to make sure Veteran ANCSA or tribal affiliation is up to date, showing blood quantum and matching it up to records from Dept. of Veterans Affairs and Dept. of Defense. Hopefully with all of these records updated, the application process will be smooth for Veterans.

If you have a family member who served but they are now deceased, you will need to have one person in your family who will be designated as the Personal Representative. That person will need to be appointed as the Personal Representative through Alaska Probate Court. Information for Probate Court can be viewed through The Personal Representative should be appointed by the Probate Court before the application period begins in September 2020.

Veterans who served between August 5, 1964 and December 31, 1971 are eligible to apply for the Alaska Native Vietnam Land Allotment. The Personal Representative appointed by Probate Court will be eligible to apply on behalf of their deceased family member who served during those dates.

The Craig Tribal Association will be working with the Bureau of Indian Affairs Enrollment Office and the BIA Realty Office, to ensure all CTA Vietnam Veterans from that time period have complete information for their applications in this process.

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