Alaska's Absurdly Tall Governor NOT Recalled - P.O.W. Report

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Alaska's Absurdly Tall Governor NOT Recalled

On Monday Alaska's Attorney General Kevin Clarkson came out with a 25 page recommendation on whether a petition earlier in the Fall to recall Governor Dunleavy should proceed.



This recall petition effort has been on going for months and it seems that not many people even knew what the issues are. Here are the recall complaints:

Statement of Grounds: Neglect of Duties, Incompetence, and/or Lack of Fitness, for the following actions:

  • Governor Dunleavy violated Alaska law by refusing to appoint a judge to the Palmer Superior Court within 45 days of receiving nominations.
  • Governor Dunleavy violated Alaska Law and the Constitution, and misused state funds by unlawfully and without proper disclosure, authorizing and allowing the use of state funds for partisan purposes to purchase electronic advertisements and direct mailers making partisan statements about political opponents and supporters.
  • Governor Dunleavy violated separation-of-powers by improperly using the line-item veto to: (a) attack the judiciary and the rule of law; and (b) preclude the legislature from upholding its constitutional Health, Education and Welfare responsibilities.
  • Governor Dunleavy acted incompetently when he mistakenly vetoed approximately $18 million more than he told the legislature in official communications he intended to strike. Uncorrected, the error would cause the state to lose over $40 million in additional federal Medicaid funds.

Attorney General: 

Basically, during the Alaska Constitutional Convention the subject of recalls were debated and the Founding Fathers of this state concluded that there were 'serious concerns with the pure “political” recall model that permits the recall of an elected official for any reason or no reason."

This particular recall effort falls into the purely political model and doesn't meet the minimum qualifications of lack of fitness, incompetence, neglect of duty, and corruption. You may read the full legal response [here] as it effectively dismantles all the arguments levied against Governor Dunleavy.

Stand Tall for Alaska

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