News August 15, 2020 - P.O.W. Report

Saturday, August 15, 2020

News August 15, 2020

Ex-FBI lawyer charged with felony, to plead guilty to altering evidence in Russia probe the "Russia, Russia and Trump peed on beds in Moscow" was a scam all along and perpetrated by American intelligence assets to justify spying on an elected US President. This is the biggest scandal in American history and it's being brushed aside.

Q-Anon can no longer be ignored.

Appeals Court Rules Hillary Clinton Does NOT Have to Testify on Emails and Benghazi Attack Records

California experiencing intentional power outages

Southeast fisherman says he’ll donate a boatload of salmon to Metlakatla community once a week

U.S. officials allow killing of sea lions eating at-risk salmon and steelhead in Columbia River watershed

Southeast Alaska economy: ‘Every year from now on, we’re going to be comparing it to 2020’

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