POW Case Count as of August 26th - P.O.W. Report

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

POW Case Count as of August 26th

COVID-19 Testing and Case Count for Prince of Wales. Totals as of 8/26/2020

Total tests: 1,968
Total Positive Tests: 7*
Total Negative Tests: 1,856
Total Pending Tests: 105

*3 additional cases on Prince of Wales (non-residents) tested positive at the Ketchikan Airport Screening Station.

To date there have been a total of ten cumulative positive cases on Prince of Wales:

Resident Cases: 6 (3 in Craig, 3 on POW outside of Craig)
Non-Resident Cases: 4 (2 in Craig, 2 on POW outside of Craig)
Currently Active Cases: 0
Recovered Cases: 10

To get the most up to date data on the current case counts, including the number of active cases within the past 14 days, call the POW COVID-19 Hotline at 1-888-894-1321. This information is updated daily, Monday - Friday by Public Health.

Residents and visitors are strongly encouraged to wear masks when in public, wash your hands/sanitize frequently, limit trips to public places when possible, maintain good social distancing and keep your social bubble small.

In order to help with contact tracing in the event that you test positive for COVID-19, you should be aware of the people that you have had close contact with over the past 7 - 14 days.

Thanks to all of our island health care providers for providing this information and for all of the work they do to keep us safe!
Everyone stay safe!

If you have COVID-19 symptoms contact your health care provider.

SEARHC is offering COVID-19 testing to the public on Saturdays. Contact SEARHC for more information.

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Disclaimer POW Report is run by Arthur Martin Candidate for House District 35

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