Ketchikan Kid [Now a Teacher in WA] Makes National News for Kicking Student Out of Class for Supporting Trump - P.O.W. Report

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Ketchikan Kid [Now a Teacher in WA] Makes National News for Kicking Student Out of Class for Supporting Trump

Brendan Stanton, who is apparently originally from Ketchikan made national news with some interesting teaching tactics. 

From KTTH:

The morning after the world learned President Donald Trump contracted the coronavirus, a Seattle-area teacher went on a rant about the president to sixth graders. When a mom complained, he misled her about what happened. Luckily, the mom recorded the incident on her cell phone.
Brendan Stanton, a middle school teacher at P.G. Keithley Middle School in Tacoma, asked students who they admired and why. One student answered President Trump. That triggered Stanton. [...]

Each day, Stanton asks his students a daily question. This time he asked students, “Who is the one person you admire and why?” Students are asked to write their answers in the online chatroom. According to a screenshot, Kusander’s son wrote: 

"I admire Donald J. Trump because he is making America great again. And because he is the best president the United States of America could ever, ever have. And he built the wall so terrorists couldn’t come into in the U.S. Trump is the best person in the world. And that’s why I had admire him."

Stanton almost immediately kicked the student out of the chatroom, deleted the chat, and proceeded to attack the president, while calling out the student for mentioning him. The student, who I am keeping anonymous, immediately told his mother. [...]

When Kusander came into the room to see what happened, she heard Stanton berating the president. She started to film the comments on her cell phone.

“The example that was shared in the chat, which I went ahead and erased for us, was not appropriate right? Especially as that individual has created so much division and hatred between people and specifically spoken hatred to many different individuals, OK?,” Stanton told his students.

Stanton was so offended, he apparently wouldn’t even say the president’s name. Instead, he referred to Trump as “that individual.” But he wasn’t done.... [Read the rest of the story here]

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