Ketchikan Creek Chinook Salmon Personal Use Fishery - P.O.W. Report

Friday, July 23, 2021

Ketchikan Creek Chinook Salmon Personal Use Fishery


Ketchikan Creek will be open to a personal use dip net fishery for hatchery Chinook salmon in those waters of Ketchikan Creek north of the Harris Street Bridge and south of the Ketchikan Public Utilities powerhouse outfall from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Saturday, July 24, and from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Sunday, July 25, 2021.

There will be a bag limit of five Chinook salmon per person. No other salmon species may be retained. There will be no size limit. Regulations require participating individuals to be Alaska State residents and have in their possession a valid 2021 personal use salmon permit and a 2021 resident sport-fishing license unless exempt from licensing under reg AS 16.05.400. Legal gear is limited to dip nets.

All salmon with missing adipose fins that are caught must be shown to Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association or Alaska Department of Fish and Game personnel, who will be standing by on the grounds, so coded wire tag data can be collected. Deer Mountain Hatchery has reached its broodstock goals, and the remaining Chinook salmon in Ketchikan Creek are surplus to enhancement projects. This fishery is authorized under the authority of 5 AAC 77.685.

Fishermen are reminded that sport-taken, and personal use-taken salmon may not be possessed on the same day. Also, both tips (lobes) of the tail fin (caudal fin) of personal use taken salmon must be removed immediately after harvest.

The Emergency Order corresponding with this announcement is EO 1E2021.

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