Man Found Locked in a Porta Potty - P.O.W. Report

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Man Found Locked in a Porta Potty

There is an idiom that goes 'in the shitter,' well one man on Wednesday evening found himself literally in such a predicament. A large group came in as part of a fishing party and our heroic and first time traveler to Prince of Wales, decided to use the porta-potty located right behind the Inter-Island Ferry Authority in Hollis and somehow managed to lock himself inside.

His group--believing that everyone was accounted for--drove off leaving our intrepid visitor yelling for help, to no avail. The door to the loo just wouldn't budge and YET despite finding himself in such an awkward situation, his voice and yells did carry and Alaska State Trooper Ryan was able to find him and freed him from his temporary holding cell.

Our first-time visitor hitched a ride with the trooper and was able to reunite with his party, leaving this adventure one to be remembered!

From the bottom of our hearts, welcome to POW and may the rest of your stay be as memorable as your entrance to our island! And remember it could have been worse...

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