Clarifying the Governors Intra-State Travel Mandate - P.O.W. Report

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Clarifying the Governors Intra-State Travel Mandate

The governor released two health mandates Friday evening (which you may read in full below).

To clarify things Senator Wielechowski made a post:

Gov. Dunleavy has issued 2 new Health Mandates: As of March 28 at 8 am, travel between communities in Alaska is prohibited except for travel to support critical infrastructure or for critical personal essential needs. You will not be permitted to travel to visit or fly to see family in Alaska.

As of 5 pm March 28, you must shelter in place and must stay at least 6 feet away from anyone who is not a member of your family - even friends or someone you may be dating. You can only leave your residence for essential health care, government or business services.

To clarify a few things: You can go grocery shopping or for takeout, but must stay 6 feet from others. According to the mandate, outdoor activity "near your home" is ok and encouraged - as long as you stay 6 feet from others. If you work at a job deemed "essential" you can travel to that job, but must stay 6 feet from others.

A violation of this order can lead to a penalty of up to one year in jail and u pto a $25,000 fine.

FAQ's on the most recent update:

Mandate 11:

Mandate 12:

In related News: Falsely Claiming you Have Corona is a Felony:

Yesterday a person was arrested in the MatSu Valley on three outstanding arrest warrants. Once in the patrol vehicle, the individual began to repeatedly inform arresting Troopers she had recently tested positive for COVID-19. AST personnel immediately began required notification and decontamination procedures. She retracted her claim after a short time however AST continued steps to verify and ultimately did confirm she made a false claim.

AST wishes to clearly remind the public that making a false claim of infection of a highly communicable disease or virus is Terroristic Threatening in the Second Degree - A class C Felony punishable by imprisonment up to 5 years and up to a $50,000 fine. A person who knowingly "sends or delivers" (think intentional coughing, sneezing, or spitting) a bacteriological or biological substance and as a result, places a person in reasonable fear of physical injury to any person and/or causes evacuation of a building or public place or business, and/or causes serious public inconvenience (think taking police officers and vehicles out of service for quarantine or decontamination) commits the crime of Terroristic Threatening in the First Degree - A Class B Felony punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment and a $100,000 fine.

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