No New Cases in Ketchikan Since April 1st and 12 of 14 People Recovered - P.O.W. Report

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

No New Cases in Ketchikan Since April 1st and 12 of 14 People Recovered

Only 14 Pending cases left
14 Have recovered
Only 1 hospitalized

From KGB:

In Other News:

As the first COVID-19 case appeared Monday in the Western Alaska hub of Bethel on Monday, a statewide tribal health organization said it is sending 2,400 coronavirus test kits and dozens of rapid-testing machines for use in remote Alaska communities.

But even the as Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium announced the delivery of new testing supplies across the state, the closure of a key rural airline and even patients’ fear of stigma from carrying the virus in tight-knit rural communities has slowed testing efforts in Western Alaska. [...]

For now, only about a dozen villages in the Yukon-Kuskokwim region are testing for COVID, said YKHC spokesman Mitchell Forbes. What’s more, some patients in the Bethel area have declined to be tested, even though they meet the criteria for people who might be carrying the virus, he said.

“No one wants to be the first case,” said Mitchell Forbes, spokesman for YKHC.

“Five or six” people have declined the testing in Bethel, he said, apparently out of concern of stigma they believed would accompany a positive test result.

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