Celebrating POW Graduates from the Year 2000 - P.O.W. Report

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Celebrating POW Graduates from the Year 2000

The following is the third annual installment of an anniversary series that highlights past Prince of Wales High School Graduates who received POW Chamber scholarships. Jan Bush writes:

I reached out to graduates of the year 2000, now marking 20 years since that step over the threshold into post-secondary life.

Their stories are incredible and a very strong motivation for continuing the Chamber’s Scholarship project.

Given the economic challenges of this extraordinary year, the Board was pleased to announce a 2020 holiday from soliciting underwriting for this year’s nine scholarship awards. We placed those business contributions into dedicated accounts just for these annual awards. We have sufficient funds in those accounts for this year, and possibly for 2021 also.

It was great to be able to list for you the businesses who made the year 2000 awards possible.

Now sit back and read about this incredible group of POW graduates from the year 2000! Celebrate their lives!

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Disclaimer POW Report is run by Arthur Martin Candidate for House District 35

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