This Thursday, July 23rd, starting at 4pm, Senator Murkowski and Senator Sullivan are holding a teletown hall event—an interactive phone call that invites you to ask questions and hear directly from your U.S. Senators.
Senators Murkowski and Sullivan will provide updates on Congressional activity in Washington, D.C., including their ongoing efforts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is also an opportunity for your U.S. Senators to hear from you—about your concerns, thoughts, and ideas.
Sign up to join the conversation. Those who sign up will receive a phone call on Thursday at the time of the event joining them to the teletown hall and will be given instructions on how to ask a question during the call. If you would like to simply listen to the conversation, there is no need to register. Stay on this page and the event will automatically begin livestreaming at the start time.
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Disclaimer POW Report is run by Arthur Martin Candidate for House District 35
Disclaimer POW Report is run by Arthur Martin Candidate for House District 35
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