Craig 2020 Bazaar Space Rental Application and Online Vendor Information Form - P.O.W. Report

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Craig 2020 Bazaar Space Rental Application and Online Vendor Information Form


Bazaar sign up form [here.]

The Craig Recreation Department  has developed COVID19 best practices and mitigation measures to hold a safe event. The Fall Bazaar is scheduled for Saturday, November 28th and the Winter Bazaar is scheduled for December 12th.  We will maintain a wait list for both bazaars. We will have only 22 vendor spaces at each bazaar and may be limited to only one bazaar. Only 4 double tables will be available. No food will be allowed to be consumed in the gym and masks must be worn at all times by vendors and customers. A mask break area will be set up for vendors. You will have a merchandise table and an empty transaction table that must be wiped between customers. Only 30 people can shop at a time and the space will be set up for one way traffic.  Bake sale and other food items must be packaged for sale. No samples or consumption in the gym.

Vendor applications and payment must be submitted to Craig City Hall no later then November 11, 2020. Set up can be done either the Friday evening before the bazaar between 3:30 and 6:00 pm or Saturday morning at 9am. Vendors may promote their wares online and by donating door prizes that are drawn throughout the day. Vendors are required to arrive by 10:00 am and not tear down until 4:00 pm.  Vendors will be responsible to clean up their area and put their trash in the dumpsters outside. We may have space for to go food booths outside of the gym. Food permits may be required, contact DEC in Ketchikan at 907-225-6200 and take 2 weeks. Raffles only by legal non profits.

Print out and complete the form link under Supporting Documents OR Fill in ALL the blank spaces provided and the online profile to submit your application.

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