Craig Police Report Week of October 11, 2020 - P.O.W. Report

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Craig Police Report Week of October 11, 2020


News Report

During the week of October 11th through October 17th, 2020

The following incidents were reported to and/or investigated by the Craig Police Department:


6:01pm Officer conducted traffic stop at SSTC for speed. Verbal warning issued.

6:35pm Officer conducted traffic stop on PSN Rd for speed. Verbal warning issued.

6:57pm Officer conducted traffic stop on PSN Rd for speed. Verbal warning issued.

7:46pm Officer conducted traffic stop on CK Hwy for brake light out. Verbal warning issued.

8:17pm A 23 year-old male was arrested for PTRP and MICS V.


12:03am Officer investigated bear complaint at Craig Middle School.

7:49am Officer conducted traffic stop on CK Hwy for speed. Verbal warning issued.

9:35am CPD performed citizen assist at CPD.

10:24am CPD performed citizen assist at CPD.

11:50am A 24 year-old male was arrested for PRTP.

3:09pm CPD performed citizen assist at CPD.

10:41pm Officer conducted traffic stop on CK Hwy for traffic offense / warning issued.


11:26am An officer investigated a report of theft at North Cove.

12:34 EMS responded to a call at Peace Health.

12:39pm An officer performed a welfare check on Beach Rd.

3:26pm Officer performed citizen assist at CPD.

4:45pm EMS responded to a call at AC Thompson House.

6:14pm Officer conducted traffic stop on Cold Storage Rd for equipment violation, warning issued.

9:30pm Officer conducted traffic stop on CK Hwy for no tail lights and brake light out. Verbal warning issued.


10:32am EMS responded to a call on Second Street.

1:15pm An officer investigated a report of theft at NAPA.

2:20pm A 55-year-old male was arrested for PTRP.

4:24pm Officer conducted traffic stop on PSN Rd for speed. Verbal warning issued.

4:59pm Officer conducted traffic stop on CK Hwy for speed. Verbal warning issued.

5:58pm CPD received a traffic complaint on CK Hwy.

11:04pm A 45-year-old male was placed in protective custody.


10:54am CPD performed citizen assist at CPD.

6:35pm Officer conducted traffic stop on CK Hwy for speed. Verbal warning issued.

6:38pm Officer responded to a disturbance at AC Thompson House.

7:49pm Officer served a DVPO.


7:45am CPD received a traffic complaint on CK Hwy.

2:28pm A 38-year-old male was arrested for PTRP.

5:21pm CPD performed business assist at AC Thompson House.

7:53pm Officers conducted traffic stop on CK Hwy for traffic offense, warning issued. Citation issued for no insurance.

9:00pm Officer responded to animal complaint on T&H St.

9:49pm Officer conducted traffic stop on CK Hwy for speed. Verbal warning issued.

10:01pm Officer conducted traffic stop on CK Hwy for speed. Verbal warning issued.

11:24pm A 44-year-old male was arrested for DUI. Vehicle impounded.


1:31am CPD received a report of criminal mischief at the Hill Bar.

7:42am CPD received report of criminal complaint.

12:15pm An officer investigated a disturbance near Peace Health.

5:01pm An officer responded to a disturbance at Upper Harborview.

6:14pm An officer responded to a report of suspicious person/activity at Upper Harborview.

6:40pm Officer responded to a disturbance on T&H St.

6:48pm EMS responded to a call at CPD.

6:54pm Officer performed citizen assist on Cold Storage Rd.

7:11pm CPD received an animal complaint on Cold Storage Rd.

9:23pm Officer conducted traffic stop on CK Hwy for speed. Verbal warning issued.

11:37pm Officers responded to a report of suspicious person/activity on Easy St.

October 10th through October 17th, 2020

the following complaints were reported and/or

investigated by the Craig Police Department:

0 abandoned vehicles; 5 adult arrest; 0 agency assists; 2 animal reports; 0 assault; 1 bear complaints; 0 burglaries, 1 business assists, 6 citizen assists, 1 citations issued; 1 criminal complaint; 1 criminal mischief; 0 criminal trespass, 0 disorderly conduct; 4 disturbances; 0 domestic dispute; 1 Domestic Violence Orders Served, 0 fire call, 0 found property, 0 harassments, 0 juvenile arrest; 0 juvenile complaints; 0 lost property; 4 medical call; 0 motor vehicle accidents; 0 noise complaints; 1 protective custodies; 0 subpoena served, 0 summons served; 2 suspicious circumstances; 2 theft; 1 traffic complaints; 0 unsecured premise, 15 verbal warnings and 1 welfare checks were given

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