Message from the Ketchikan Emergency Manager - P.O.W. Report

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Message from the Ketchikan Emergency Manager

Good Evening, this is Abner Hoage Emergency Manager for the Ketchikan Gateway Borough and City of Ketchikan as you may have heard a Ketchikan resident tested positive for the COVID-19 virus yesterday March 17th. The individual self-isolated after onset of symptoms and sought testing through a Ketchikan clinic. The individual is an employee of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough. The Borough management, Public Health, and the local Emergency Operations Center (EOC) are taking the necessary measures to respond to the situation.

The White Cliff Building has been thoroughly disinfected and has been closed until further notice. Borough employees in direct contact with the individual will be self-isolating for a period of no less than 14 days.

Ketchikan Public Health officials have made contact with this individual and will continue to monitor his condition to ensure continued self-isolation. Public Health officials conducted a contact investigation and reached out to any person who may have come into contact with this individual. Public Health will notify and isolate additional persons as appropriate.

We want to reassure the public that we are working closely with Ketchikan Public Health to identify anyone who may be at risk for having contact with this individual. We will keep the public informed of any information that is needed for community health and safety.

The Ketchikan EOC is working diligently to ensure the public is notified and to take all actions necessary to respond to the situation in order to protect our community. Updated information is provided on the Borough’s COVID-19 Updates page at:

We are providing updated information to our local media on a daily basis.

Following the new recommendations from the White House Coronavirus Task Force, The Ketchikan Emergency Operation Center is providing the following guidelines to reduce the spread of COVID-19:

  1. Listen to and follow the directions of your state and local authorities.
  2. If you feel sick, stay home. Do not go to work. Contact your medical provider.
  3. If your children are sick, keep them at home. Contact your medical provider.
  4. If someone in your household has tested positive for the Coronavirus, keep the entire household at home.
  5. If you are an older American, stay home and away from other people.
  6. If you are a person with a serious underlying health condition—such as a significant heart or lung problem—stay home and away from other people.

Following these guidelines as well as continuing to practice strict personal hygiene and social distancing will help prevent the spread of the virus. For more information go to

Read More: Editorial: It's Just a Flu and Other Stunning Insights into the Covid19 Panic

Read More: Healthy Minds: The Importance of Physical Therapy 

Read More: Ketchikan Man Who Tested Positive for COVID Writes His Side of the Story 

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